Luxury Sex Toys – a Touch of the Exquisite

Luxury is the presence of extreme comfort, elegance, and quality. Luxury goods are easily distinguished in the market by the materials they’re made from, their fine balance of form and function, and the comfort they offer. Luxury clothing is cut a certain way from fabrics of the highest quality to create an optimal level of comfort.

So, high-end sex toys satisfy all these criteria to bring the user an experience that’s a cut above what’s available in the rest of the market. To be luxurious, a product must answer a demand for the very best of everything.

Defining Luxury Sex Toys

Sex toys, of course, are there to do a job. And in the luxury market, they need to be much more than elegant. They need to perform to a higher standard than is expected from lesser sex toys.

But one of the most important features of high-end sex toys is the materials they’re made from. And that feature is best defined as being made from body-safe (or skin-safe) materials. While gold plating may be body-safe, few of us are willing to shell out the astronomical outlay of money that such an exquisite pleasure aid commands. So, our first criteria is that the toy be made from 100% body-safe silicone, borosilicate glass, or stainless steel. These materials are non-porous, making them easy to clean and hypoallergenic.

Design is another aspect of luxury sex toys, encompassing both form and function. The toy should be lovely to look at and delightful to hold but ultimately, its function must exceed the beauty of its form to be considered genuinely luxurious. Part of a sex toy’s function is ease of use and, as all sex toy users will appreciate, quiet operation. But Japanese sex toy manufacturers seem to have created the perfect union between form and function with some of their amazing offerings, making them wonders of sexual luxury that both perform optimally and present as aesthetically pleasing.

Discretion – A Feature of Luxury Sex Toys

Woman shushing the reader

There really is nothing worse than a loud sex toy announcing your playtime to the neighbors at full, buzzing volume. Never mind the unfortunate effect of throwing you off your game. There’s nothing sexy about a wildly buzzing toy, raggedly asserting its electronic origins.

Discretion is sought-after by sex toy users. No one needs an audience when they’re enjoying a pleasure session, so quiet operation is the discretion we all seek out and invariably find in high-end sex toys, engineered for luxurious discretion that won’t wake the neighbors.

Sepia image of woman with her finger to her mouth, bidding the viewer to be silent.

If there’s one thing that can be said of luxury sex toys, it’s that they’re often so elegant in appearance, it’s almost unbelievable that their purpose is sexual satisfaction. Sleek, sophisticated, and tactile, they model a kind of stealth sexiness that sets them apart. Luxury has several key components that distinguish and define it. But what if there was a toy whose luxury was expressed in a wealth of customizable features and the discretion of quiet operation?

Luxury Sex Toys Provide the Orgasms You Want

Grapefruit suggestively drips with cream on pink background.

The perfect orgasm is an individual experience keyed to your sexual responses, which are entirely unique. The ultimate luxury sex toy, then, provides that perfect orgasm.

High-end sex toys incapable of delivering on this front are just not doing their job! Because the goal is sexual pleasure and the human terminus of sexual pleasure is an orgasm that completely satisfies you.

Top Drawer Toys has engineered a new standard in luxury sex toys with Box Rocker. With customizable features governing stroke speed and length and a selection of vibration modes, this powerful pleasure companion creates the orgasm you came for. And this revolutionary sex toy is whisper quiet! Even the sound of a fan can conceal its exceptionally quiet operation.

Use the hands-free strap to experience pleasure like never before, adding the remote control for even more hands-free delight! Box Rocker even walks into the shower with you, ready for splishy splashy fun. And when you find that ideal personalized combination of settings, your orgasm is assured every time, whenever you want it.

Top Drawer Toys has created Box Rocker to provide on-demand orgasms for all kinds of people. For solo or partnered use, the Box Rocker’s powerful action delivers a sexual experience that’s calibrated to your desires, creating unforgettable encounters. At under 2 pounds, this body-safe dynamo packs the orgasmic punch you crave, while easily tucked away in a nightstand drawer.

Find out more about the innovative Box Rocker and its superlative functions, then discover the ultimate in high-end sex toys by getting to know Box Rocker up close and personal. Got questions? Reach out!

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